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Hay siempre dos personas en cada cuadro: el fotógrafo y el espectador
Ansel Adams (1902 – 1984)




A white house, a white room
The program of today
Lights on, switch on
Your eyes are far away
The map represents you
And the tape is your voice
Follow all along you
Till you recognize the choice


I take pictures
Photographic pictures


Bright light
Dark room
Bright light
Dark room


I said I’d write a letter
But I never got the time
And I’m looking to the day
I mesmerize the light


The years I spend just thinking
Of a moment we both knew
A second passed like an empty room
It seems it can’t be true


I take pictures
Photographic pictures.


Autor: Vince Clarke
Interpretada por Depeche Mode e incluida en su álbum de 1981 “Speak & Spell” 



Datos Técnicos
Londres – 29/05/14
Canon EOS 5D Mk II + Sigma 35 mm f/1.4 HSM -Art-
Distancia Focal: 35 mm.
Diafragma: f/3.2  Velocidad: 1/80  ISO: 1000



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